
Our vision for our rural community is about growing together, developing not in isolation but learning from and with each other. Within this we also recognise the importance of flourishing together within the school but also utilising the valuable resources around us, including our local church, community and beyond.  We want our children to be overflowing with thankfulness for the opportunities they are provided with and share these with others. 



We have close links with our church - St Bartholomew's Church and visit roughly once each half-term, often linking it to a special service such as Harvest Festival, Christmas, and Easter.

During the 2023/24 academic year we have visited the church for Harvest Service, Rememberance Day and Experience Christmas.

A word from our Vicar 

St Bartholomew’s School and its children are a delight.  I enjoy leading worship and being part of the Governing Body, and look forward to all my interactions in school.  I’m an ‘old fashioned’ Parish Priest:  I think of everyone in the village as part of my flock, whether or not they come to church.  I hope that as the children grow older and become adults in the community, that they will remember their time in School and Church with affection and have the resources within them to treat themselves and others with kindness, respect, in joyful ways, and with courage and creativity. 

St Bartholomew's Church, Longnor


Below you will find links to "The Longnor Benefice"

July 2024

June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

January 2024

December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

September 2023