
Our curriculum is the basis from which our children grow in order to flourish.
At St. Bartholomew’s C.E (VA) Primary School, we are committed to providing a varied and rich curriculum that:
Is knowledge rich and clearly sequenced;
Builds on prior learning;
Engages and enthuse pupils;
Recognises all pupils as unique individuals;
Fosters a love of learning and create enquiring minds which are keen to question;
Prepares pupils for future stages of learning and life;
Provides first hand learning skills;
Allows children to build the learning behaviours necessary to become independent and confident learners;
Celebrates diversity, recognise individual needs, provide fair opportunities for all and promotes Fundamental British Values.
Promotes the well-being and supports them in knowing how to keep themselves safe;
Provides a Christian, caring community for all, where there are respectful relationships based on friendship and our school values of courage, creativity, kindness and respect;
Ensures RE and Worship is central to the life of the school, to support the spiritual development of all children and adults.
We recognise all children as unique individuals made in God’s likeness and welcome and celebrate differences. The curriculum is designed to recognise prior learning and to build on previous learning as well as teaching and developing the key skills of independent learners including resilience, determination and critical thinking skills. We provide enrichment opportunities to engage learners which include: outside visitors, educational visits and celebration days. Also, through celebrating learning and promoting life-long learning we aim to promote aspirations and ensure that the children recognise their place in their local community and Parish, the wider community and also as global citizens.
We aim to work in collaboration with parents; learners; the Parish and wider community; the church; educational partners and other professionals to ensure all children receive the very best start to their learning journey.
We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives, where there are no limits to curiosity and there is a thirst for new experiences and knowledge.
Our Curriculum Subjects
At St. Bartholomew’s CE (VC) Primary School, we follow the National Curriculum and ensure that we provide our children with a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum which is personalised to meet the needs of our pupils and the school community. We ensure that social, moral, spiritual and cultural (SMSC) learning permeates throughout the curriculum, providing pupils with the opportunity to celebrate the diverse society we live in, with Fundamental British Values and our school values being an integral part of school life. Our wider curriculum subjects are taught discretely although, where possible, links are made between the subjects. The promotion of cultural capital is important within our curriculum and we aim to provide the children with as many experiences as possible to promote aspiration and enrich their learning. We utilise trips, special visitors and practical experiences to enhance the topics and bring them to life for the pupils. Additionally, we aim to use the beautiful setting of our school and the outdoor learning opportunities that it provides.
In the "other pages" area, at the bottom of this page, you will find links to our subject areas which contain more in-depth information.
Phonics Scheme
At St Bartholomew's Primary we use the Little Wandle phonics scheme